Here are some of the terms you will see in your workouts, and what they mean! 


This is the number of rounds your will complete of the listed exercises. For example, when you see “2 sets” this means you will perform the listed exercises for two separate rounds.  You can rest between sets.


This is the number of times you perform an exercise within each set.  For example, if you see ‘2 sets: Glute Bridges x 10″ that means you will perform 10 reps of the glute bridge, for 2 rounds.


For our bar work many of the exercises will allow you to have your feet on a chair or box.  Your legs get to help assist you in the movement.  When the feet are assisting this is considered a ‘foot spot’ or you could say the exercise is ‘foot spotted’.


When we DO NOT use our feet or legs to support our movement.  For example when you are performing a negative chin-up unspotted your feet are in the air, and only your arms control the movement.


When it comes to pull-ups, the negative is when you start at the top of the pull-up, with your chin over the bar, and lower down slowly.  Studies show that the muscles work up to 5x harder in the negative, so these are great for building strength! 


This is the amount of time each part of your movement should take.  For example you could perform a pull-up that takes 3 full seconds to pull up, and then five seconds to complete the negative.  So the tempo would be 3s up, and 5s down.  We can also add time at the top and the bottom – eg. hold the chin over the bar for 2sec before lowering back down. Moving slowly gives your muscles time under tension, and is another way to build loads of strength.


This stands for every minute on the minute. We use this timing to perform a certain number of reps at the start of each minute.  Eg. 5 Tuck V-snaps x 5 minutes means you would do 5 reps at the start of each minute, and whatever time is left before the next minute starts is your break!